Accordatore manuale 1.8-30 Mhz
300 Watt con rosmetro/wattmetro ad aghi incrociati
- Frequenza: 1.8-30 MHz
- Potenza: 300 Watt
- Tipo di strumento: analogico ad aghi incrociati
- Dimensioni: 27 X 7.5 X 18 Cm
- Peso: 1 Kg.
- Selettore di induttanza
- Connettori tipo SO239 (PL)
- Terminali per linee filari e bilanciate
- Commutatore per il By-Pass
- Commutatore d´antenna a 3 vie

The MFJ-941E gives you a 300 Watt antenna tuner that covers everything from 1.8 - 30 MHz -- plus you get a lighted Cross-Needle meter with on/off switch, antenna switch and a 4:1 balun! (The light uses 12 VDC or 110 VAC with MFJ-1312D)
MFJs lighted Cross-Needle meter shows SWR, forward and reflected power all at a glance in 300/60 and 30/6 watt ranges, 8 position antenna switch lets you select 2 coax lines, random wire/balanced line or dummy load (direct or through).
An efficient 12 position airwound inductor gives lower losses and more power out. Has 4:1 balun, 1000 Volt capacitors. The beautiful aluminum cabinet has a durable scratch-proof multicolor Lexan front panel matches your rig perfectly and fits right into your station.